Arkhiyereyskiye Palaty

 ¿Qué ver en Arkhiyereyskiye palaty, Súzdal?

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The Arkhiyereyskiye Palaty is a museum located in Suzdal, Russia. It is open daily from 10am to 6pm, with an admission fee of 300 rubles for adults and 150 rubles for children and students. Unfortunately, I could not find an official website for the museum.

In the surrounding area, there are several other attractions to visit, including the Suzdal Kremlin, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, and the Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life. The Suzdal Kremlin is open daily from 9am to 6pm, with an admission fee of 250 rubles for adults and 150 rubles for children and students. The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is located about 15km from Suzdal and is open daily from 9am to 5pm, with an admission fee of 150 rubles. The Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life is open daily from 10am to 5pm, with an admission fee of 200 rubles for adults and 100 rubles for children and students.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Arkhiyereyskiye palaty)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Arkhiyereyskiye palaty)